
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

RTW: Jinx That's My Idea

             Road Trip Wednesday is a ‘Blog Carnival’ where YA Highway’s contributors post a weekly writing or reading related question and answer it on our own blogs.  You can hop from destination to destination and get everybody’s unique take on the topic.

This weeks topic:

What SNI were you psyched to work on, but discovered it was too close to something already done?

                This is a good question.  Considering I was thinking this same thing last year.  When I got my idea for my story I’m currently working on it just came to me when I was laying in bed on night.  I had a bad day and someone had really gotten on my nerves and I think that’s what inspired my mind to go all dark.  I had it all planned out when I woke up. 

                I was so excited about my new idea that was all shiny and new and never been done as far as I knew.  I wrote on it as often as possible and sent the first 10 pages to be critiqued at a writers conference.  The deadline to send your submissions was close and I sent it and felt this amazing sense of pride and nervousness.  I loved this so much what if no one else liked it?  What if they hated it and told me I should give up?  But I stayed positive. 

                My story is about a girl.  She witnesses her parents murder and is put into witness protection for her own safety.  She is a bright girl, good head on her should and all but when the person responsible for taking away her family gets away with it she can’t take it.  Something snaps.  She needs to avenge what was done but knows she can’t until she is 18.  So she spends 1-2 years working out a plan and trying not to get distracted by the new life she is having to create.

                I share my idea with you so that this next part makes sense.  Not a week after I sent my totally original never seen anything like it idea did I see a commercial for the TV show on ABC called Revenge.  I youtube’d it.  And sure enough I was amazed that the same concept was there.  It’s not nearly the same story but it was close enough to make me worry that people would read it and think I’d gotten the idea from it.  Could I really give up on it?
                As it turns out my writing conference was amazing and no one seemed to connect them which eased my worry.  It’s a story about revenge, and yes I had to title it something because sending it out as untitled didn’t seem right so I used a temporary title Vengeance, was similar.   Then I thought about how many different series I absolutely love that have vampires in them, or angels.  There are so many and each is completely different, their own take on it.  So because there is romance and vampires are they stealing an idea?  No.  So I could write about revenge and not be stealing from another. 

                So to wrap this mind jumble up I think you can have the same basic idea, revenge, vampires, witches, angels, etc. but it has to have it’s own spin.  You have to make it your own and make it unique in it’s own write. 

                What do you think?


  1. When I first saw the commercials for Revenge, I did think of your story. And for me, the idea was yours first! Your story is plenty different, and of course has your own unique voice. If anything, the show just confirms that there is an audience for the story you're telling! I hope your writing is going well!

    1. Thanks Laurie,

      I like that. And I admit I love the show, it's addicting.

  2. Does it help at all that REVENGE is loosely based off of THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO, a classic novel? Look how many re-tellings have been done of stories like CINDERELLA. I think you're probably okay with this one and it sounds fascinating :-) I think often when people are a fan of something (like a show like REVENGE), they're going to be on the hunt for something that might feel a little similar. I know I'm like that. Your story could be the exact thing they're looking for! :-) I say stick with it.

    1. Hey Jamie,

      I've never read the book but I do like the movie. Yes another person commented on the different Cinderella movies there are and yet each is different. Thank you. Glad you find it fascinating. I have to get kicking and finish it.

  3. I have to agree with Jaime. Everything is inspired by something that was written or done before. It's all about your own spin. So, I'd say see where your story takes you.

    1. Thanks Donelle. Yep I'm only about halfway through the book in a whole but I have the whole thing plotted out and most of the ending wrote. This darn middle though...

  4. Revenge stories are so classic. I'm willing to bet that the Revenge TV show doesn't stick around long enough to impact your odds of publishing. And anyway, I think that once you're dealing in such a classic theme, you get more leeway for making it creative and fresh. I mean, how many love stories are there out there, and yet people keep writing them and getting them published.

    1. This is true Crystal. Thanks for your input. But on a side note I like the show so I'm sorta hoping it sticks around ;)

  5. I agree that making it your own is key. I'm really intrigued by the idea. I want to read it!

    1. Thanks Tarah! Well when I finish I'll let you know for sure!

  6. I agree. The writer's head is a jumble of ideas, influences, experiences, and last night's television. What makes a writer great is how s/he uses all this stuff. :)

    1. Oh my head is a jumble Colin. I read as much as possible and I have a slight addiction to movies and TV shows. Plus my time working 911...that gave me lots of little tid bits too
