
Friday, March 23, 2012

The Hunger Games The Movie

                Okay so as you all know I went to see the midnight showing of The Hunger Games movie last night with friends.  I was so excited for this.  I re-read the book the night before, couldn’t sleep and all.  I couldn’t wait to see how they brought the book I loved to life.  And let me tell you I was not disappointed.

                So first off I loved the cast.  They did an amazing job with their roles.  Katniss is strong but also has some vulnerability just like in the book.  Woody Harrelson as Haymitch was brilliant.  He was everything I expected from the book, as did Lenny Kravitz as Cinna.  Effie was the great bit of comic relief here and there, she’s such an air head you can’t help but laugh.  I could spend so much time listing each person and how well they did but well I want to make this review semi short and to the point so let’s just say they did an amazing job. 

                Now the set, scenes, everything was so amazing.  I could totally see it, almost like how I pictured it.  Well…maybe not the make-up.  Because let me tell you, in the books they describe some of it and they talk about how outrageous…well yeah WOW the Capitol was just crazy.  I would look and think, I bet that hurts.  Or, how do they open their eyes with those huge eyelashes haha.  Great stuff.  District 12 was gritty and dirty, the woods a perfect little escape.  The entrance on the chariots, the fire was awesome and I was really curious how they were going to pull that off like in the book.  And her red dress was just as gorgeous.

                Now onto the most important part.  How it stands up to the book.  The book was better of course, they almost always are.  They have more time and can be way more detailed.  That being said I loved it.  Sure I noticed the little changes here and there and they sped things along in some areas but they stayed surprisingly close to the book.  I was not expecting things to be that close really and was pleasantly surprised.  Sure did I miss a couple of lines I really wanted to see?  Sure.  They didn’t give as much Haymitch as I’d have liked and they cut a lot of the cave scene but that makes sense when you think it’s already a two and a half hour movie.  They got the important parts in. 

                Along with that they also added other bits.  The books only focused on Katniss but we got to see things going on in the Capitol.  Things going on behind the scenes, and in the districts.  Things that if you read all the books you know happened but we get to see it and I think on their part was brilliant because it leaves it perfectly poised for them to do Catching Fire.  They also changed something at the end which I’m not going to lie I was perfectly happy with, since the book part made me sad so hehe selfish me liked that change.

                Emotionally it had me.  I knew going in I would probably cry like a baby in some parts.  I did.  Most of the theatre did too.  I won’t give out spoilers in case some of you have lived under a rock and haven’t read this yet.  Those who have you know what scene I’m talking about the most.  Yep lots of sniffling to be had.  I really felt for the characters, well the non evil ones anyways and those I just couldn’t wait until they got what was coming (then I giggled).  Oh and a side note that gets this movie extra points it made me jump.  Something happened and I for once wasn’t expecting it and I jumped slightly, not out of my seat or scream like some of the others but jerk back in my seat yes. 

                Well that’s all you get.  I don’t want to give too much away.  Just go see it!  You know you want to.  Even if by some chance you haven’t read the books you can totally enjoy it as an individual movie.  I can’t wait to see it again.  If you’ve seen it already tell me what you think.  If you have tickets tell me what you’re most looking forward to.  Share your thoughts on my review.  Oh and if it’s not clear…

Rating:  5 Arrows (fitting I think)


  1. I saw it last night too. I really enjoyed Hunger Games, but wasn't emotionally attached to it like I was with Twilight. So, I didn't go to the movie expecting great things. In fact, I figured they'd have a hard time compressing that much book (action, character depth, emotion) into one movie. So, when--despite its length--it felt rushed, I wasn't disappointed because they obviously did what they could. :)

    1. Oh I really loved the Twilight books/movies too they will forever hold a place in my heart for getting me back into reading again and at the showings meeting amazing new friends. I can't wait to hear what more people have to say :)

  2. I'm with you on all counts of your review. I thought, over all, that the movie held up to the book extremely well, and the parts that were added for clarity were handled gracefully. The whole movie had me emotionally as well, and I'm not an overtly emotional person. I very nearly teared up at the Reaping, and during Katniss's final scene with Rue. So intense!

    1. Thanks Katy. I have no idea I used to be able to watch movies and read and be 'oh that's sad' but that's it now the tears just start coming and I am like 'really must i cry?' lol. That movie though had lots of those scenes and some more than others because I know what happens in books 2 & 3.

  3. Well, Eve, you know how I'm is, but even I, in all my too often present disdain, I enjoyed the movie. Without question, I noticed various changes, some of which bothered me. I realize that with time being what it is, of course, some editing was necessary, but without fully acting upon the book's version of Katniss and Peeta at the river and the cave, I felt as if the story was robbed of a vital shift in dynamics. It made me wonder, really, who would blink an eyelash if the movie was another five to ten minutes long. Then I took into consideration the age of the intended audience...Tehe hehe. Sexy time and gore had to go!

    All that aside, I enjoyed the movie. Yep, I cried like a girl, but unlike Twilight, it didn't make me want to gouge out my eyeballs. I genuinely liked some of the characters and it pained me to see their story unfold so vividly before me. Since you know me as well as you do, you know that this is high

    1. Ah yes I do know you and I wasn't sure for you because I know how you hate to know what's going to happen. And being based off a book you actually I know you cried I was sitting next to you hehe. I know I wouldn't have minded it being longer, I did want more cave scene.

      So you know I totally got my book out when I got home that morning after the showing and re-read the whole cave part again just because hehe.

  4. I went back to the cave scene and again, I felt robbed!
