
Monday, July 20, 2015

Ready. Set. Write Week 7

                Welcome to Week 7 of Ready. Set. Write.  Simple is the name of the game.
 How I did on last weeks goals:

  • Exercise 3 times this week (upping it some)- Epic FAIL I only had 1 day off this week and it was spent sleeping after not sleeping between the previous two 12 hour shifts lol  Sleep schedule is not working with me. 
  • Write 2,500 words in my WIP- I fell short only reached 1,586.
  • Edit my short story-I ended up adding more to it.  I just felt there was another scene or so that could make it a bit better.  I’m not the best editor in the world, horrible really when it comes to my own work since I know what should be there I read over mistakes.  I’m going to send it to a couple friends to see what they think and go from there. 
  • Finish The Darkest Minds, I mean seriously it will get finished!  Also finish the Grisha trilogy with the read-along group.  Also read two additional books, one of which being Paper Towns so I can have read it before the movie comes out.  I finished The Darkest Minds at the start of the week then Ruin & Rising the last of the trilogy with the read-along yesterday.  I also finished my review book and I’m starting Paper Towns as soon as I post this.  I also read another book in there so still met my goal #’s wise just not one of them I had intended.      
  • Write 3 reviews, trying to stay ahead and keep a schedule-I typed and posted Escape From Witchwood Hollow and Alienated.  Did not get an extra one done.  

My goals for this week:  

  • Pack / Reserve Room / Plan- I have a training class all of next week and leave Sunday for it so I need to pack…again.  I need to make sure I have things I need for the work classes and then also have things for after if we want to do something after, I’m a horrid over-packer if it wasn’t clear.  Plus prep some lunch and dinner items to take with to save money on eating out.
  • Have posts ready for Monday/Wednesday/Friday edited and on blogger so I can post from my phone if necessary (unsure what the internet situation will be like sometimes hotels and wifi don’t always get along).  I have one review written but not formatted and I’ll have my RSW put on there and formatted Sunday before we leave.
  • Writing wise I’d like to send my short story to a few people to get their thoughts and look into a few places that take short story submissions as a possible option.  If anyone knows of some good sites let me know in the comments or e-mail me please.
  • I also felt like I did better with scene goals rather than words so I’m going back to that.  I want to write at least 3 new scenes on my WIP.
  • I’m working on updating my blog and blogs FB page with adding tabs and such for things.  Finally!  I need to work on creating my rating system or more explaining the one I already use since it’s never been discussed and someone mentioned it would be good.  Also my contact page and all that fun stuff.  Slow but I love that it’s coming together.
  • Reading wise:  I’m reading Never Fade and Vicious as read alongs this week.  I also plan on finishing Paper Towns today (or tomorrow if I don’t finish it before leaving work and go home to crash) so I can be good to see the movie this weekend.  Hopefully more but that’s all for goals.
  • See the Paper Towns movie next weekend and have the book and movie review down and ready to post while I’m in training class next week.

A favorite line from my story OR one word/phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised:  Main character and her best friend since diapers talking via e-mail.
                She had a point.  She had been using that excuse as is to avoid talking about things.  As always you make a good point.
                She knew me too well.  I’ve already lost everything.  I don’t know if I could take falling for someone and losing them.
                There it was.  The real truth.  Sure all the practical reasons were there but the heart of the matter was straight forward.  Her response takes longer than the others which means she’s either stunned silent and has nothing to say or she’s writing a book.

The biggest challenge I face this week: Time.  Only one day off and having sleep issues between 12 hour shifts doesn’t leave much time.  When you can’t sleep it would make sense to write but if you’re trying to fall asleep sitting up to write or typing on the computer/phone seems counter-productive.  So restless lying in bed it is.

Something I love about my WIP: That my characters are real.  They act and think like people do, not always rational or sane but the ideas and feelings flow and influence everything.  Or at least that is my goal.

That’s it for this week.  Good luck this week!


  1. I liked your excerpt! That feeling of wondering if the person on the other end of the line has "nothing to say or is writing a book" is so familiar :) Good luck with all your goals this week. I hope the trip goes well and you get plenty of writing time!

    1. I leave next Sunday and I'm dreading it some. Who doesn't dread a work trip with homework? I mean I liked school and all but yeah I had to print the manual out then hole punch 500 pages...hey I just thought of it that could count as arm exercise right ;)

  2. It might not be your goal, but 1,500 words is definitely still great! I think scene goals are a brilliant idea too, since scenes can be tricky little beasts who don't always want to conform to your ideal word count.

    I really enjoyed that excerpt, and I too know the feeling of trying to work out if the other person's writing an essay or not, haha.

    I really hope that you start to get some quality sleep soon--I think that's much more important (and good for you) than exercising when you're exhausted! Good luck with your goals and trip this week too. :)

    1. Thanks! Scenes seem more managable and I feel better when I finish one even if the word count isn't super high it's a scene!

      I think everyone knows the wonder of waiting for a replay and hoping it's long if it takes a while and being disappointed when it's like five words and an hour to respond!

      Yes it's just the weird hours, I love the shifts and the amount I'm okay with but the 11-11 part is just impossible to stick to when on nights on your days off if you want to see anything or anyone lol. Plus some of the sleep issues might be all the amazing books ideas running around in my head begging me to read more to know how they end.

  3. I do better setting goals as X number of scenes too. Whenever I try to go by word count, I always get bogged down by the number and don't make much progress. Good luck this week!

    1. Yeah and I don't want to just throw random words that won't do my story any good if I'm just putting them there for the sake of putting them there so back to scenes for me.

  4. I hear you on the time thing. That's a weekly challenge. And when you have a huge goal list, it must be a killer to figure it would. Good luck on your goals and your trip!

    1. Thanks I'm prepping things and already making my lists. I like lists for trips so I don't forget things.

  5. 1500 words is better than no words at all! Same goes for the exercise. Progress is progress and it sounds like, despite what sounds like a crazy busy schedule, you are making definite progress. Keep it up! And I hope you have a great week!

    1. Yep that is what I'm telling myself. Progress is progress! Thanks for the kind words.

  6. Dude, you are crazy-busy! I can't believe your to-do list doesn't have you hiding under the covers. I'm impressed with all you accomplished, and best of luck with your goals in the coming week. Have a good one!

    1. Haha I hide under the covers every night the alarm goes off telling me it's time to wake up and get ready for work. I love my job but going to work itself not so much lol

  7. You do more in one week then I do in 3 months. I'm in awe of your work ethic. Keep it up!

    1. Wow thanks I normally feel so lazy when I see what everyone is doing.

  8. I often find that scene goals work well for me too. It breaks the work down into manageable chunks. I can't believe you got any writing done this week considering how much you worked and how tired you were. Hope you get more sleep this week! Good luck with your goals and enjoy your trip!

    1. Well thankfully I can get some reading and writing done at work most of the time or I wouldn't have. I think all of my writing was at work and most of my reading because at home I might finish a chapter or two of reading and then pass out. OT is good and needed so tired is okay when I think about that.

  9. Great job on those 1586 words! I know it wasn't what you were aiming for, but as everyone always says (and I believe it too) it's forward movement and that's awesome! As for editing, I don't think I'm the best editor either. I tend to just add more words too. I guess that's where CPs and betas come in handy. They can always point out areas that can be cut or feel redundant. Good luck with your goals this week, Eve!

    1. Yes I'm starting to believe that too myself. It feels good to work on it regularly even if it isn't a huge amount. And when I read my own stuff even if I have misspelled words or used the wrong form does dose because of fast fingers I read it as it's supposed to be because my brain autocorrects as I read lol.

  10. Paper Towns was the first of John Green's books I read and I've held on to it as my favorite (though ironically, it's the only one of his I don't own). I'm not sure on the movie. It looks cute but it's not exactly a big hook kind of book, so that will be interesting to see how the plot works.

    Way to go on your writing .. and packing! I'm also packing for a trip and fretting about which size suitcase etc.

    1. I think I've already given up on trying to get everything in the small carry on and going with the big one. It will just be easier to bring one in instead of a small one and 10 other tote bags haha. I ended up not reading any yesterday at work I was super sleepy and instead played online and came home and crashed pretty hard.

  11. I'm also shifting to writing new scenes this week, but I also kept a word count goal too...just because, well...just because. ;) Good luck with your hectic schedule, I am right there with ya! Have a wonderful week!

    1. Thanks. Let us both hope for sleep and good writing times!

  12. I've heard that when you're having trouble sleeping it's actually better to get up and do some of the thing that is keeping you awake, but only some... I'm sure you can find specifics via an online search.

    As for time.... I wish I had some extra to give you. It seems to be a dwindling commodity these days. Feel better Eve.

    1. I might look that up. I do think when I'm lying around unable to sleep if I should at least be using the time productively.

      Yes time is short...why do we not yet have time turners? I have been waiting on mine. I'll even take a pause button that works for naps, reading/writing time, whatever I never have time for.

  13. I really like that 'stunned silent or writing a book'. Lots of my emails look like books, lol! I wouldn't feel bad about not getting to the gym, it totally sounded like you needed the sleep more. Good luck this week!

    1. I do the same thing. I write these massage texts and I wonder how I got along back when they used to give you a character max of like 60 or something per message and also probably why I struggle with Twitter always telling me I've reached my max

  14. I believe that words are words, even if not as many as you'd hoped for. With everything else you have going on, it's hardly surprising - and worthy of some celebration that you managed as much.

    I tend to like both word count and scene goals - sometimes I use on or the other, and sometimes both. It depends on many factors.

    I hope your trip will be less unpleasant than you hope, and that there will be words and books in your week away!

    1. Thanks! Me and my co-worker leave tomorrow and I'm only half done with the packing. Toiletries- done (minus the ones I need in the morning duh) and I did laundry so all of my clothes are clean just not packed yet. Hoping not to forget anything or stress over the tests for the class at the end.
