
Monday, August 24, 2015

Ready. Set. Write. Week 12

                Welcome to Week 12 of Ready. Set. Write.  Simple is the name of the game. 

How I did on last weeks goals:

  • Transition to day shift!  I start back to days Wednesday so I have 1.5 days to adjust my internal clock- Done.  Didn't have a choice really but it went pretty well.  So far my body is really liking the adjustment. 
  • Continue what I started last week, working on scenes I am missing.  I’m aiming for 5K- Fail.  I haven't done anything, this week was hard.  Work was busier than usual and I was crippled part of the weekend after sleeping wrong and messing up my back. 
  • Read and work on my review for Another DayRead!  Took much longer than planned because day shift was surprisingly busy.  
  • Revamp/Re-write my budget.  Rising power costs given the Hades like temps and other bills that flux and revamp my savings and trip fund- Did it!  But I need to revamp again as work is going to cut out OT (which we currently get every paycheck).  Should be much easier though. 
  • Read 2 additional books (not counting Never Fade which should be finished by end of day)- Nope.  I didn't anything else, not even counting Never Fade. 

My goals for this week: 
  • As this is really the last week of RSW I need to kick it into gear.  I'm aiming for 5K in my WiP
  • Work on a description/summary for my WiP 
  • Read 2 books

A favorite line from my story OR one word/phrase that sums up what I wrote/revised:

I didn't get anything wrote L

The biggest challenge I face this week: 

Adjusting to being busier on the day shift.  Also I slept wrong or something because my back was killing me all day Sunday it hurt to move at all.

Something I love about my WIP:   
Love in its varying forms.

That’s it for this week.  Good luck this week!


  1. Job changes can definitely muck up everything else. Here's to adding more wordcount this week!

    1. Here's hoping. So far today hasn't been too productive but I have a couple hours left I'm going to try and make the most of them.

  2. So sorry to hear your back is causing you pain, but I'm glad you're adjusting to the new job hours. I'm sure it'll take some time to settle into your new routine, and once you do the writing will flow again. Have a great week, take care of that back, and good luck with your last RSW goals!

    1. Thanks. I've broken down and made an appointment with the chiropractor tomorrow morning before work when I woke up feeling it all over again. Depending on how the appointment goes I might end up playing hooky these chairs for 12 hours is not helping.

  3. I'd be a mess if I had to change work shifts - my husband has to do it from time to time and he's always out of sorts for awhile.

    Hope your back feels better soon!

    1. It's weird being awake so early, waking up and not getting ready for bed.

  4. Hope your back feels better soon and you adjust to your new schedule! :)

    1. Thanks! Here's hoping the dr is worth the small fortune it costs to go!

  5. Adjusting to a new work schedule can be so hard. But it must be nice to have a "normal" schedule and see the sun in the waking position, right? Hope your back feels better and good luck this week!

    1. Yes. Well update on back just got home from chiropractor (also not at work today used a sick day because it just wasn't feasible). He did his torture and aligned some things and I'm under orders to basically stay on ice until tomorrow when he wants me back to follow up and make any additional adjustments after the swelling has hopefully gone down.

  6. Backs are so crazy. Until I messed mine up I had NO idea how painful it is to do anything when your back is hurt. I hope yours is feeling better :) Good luck this week!

    1. Yeah my mom hurt her back in the Navy and always has her moments and sometimes I would thing she was milking it making me always get down to get anything and such but after my first real experience with muscle pain (in high school I did something to my collar bone) I understood and now even more so.

  7. I hear you on the crazy weeks. This one is turning into one for me already! And so sorry about your back! I hope you're feeling better and that you have a productive week! You can do it!

    1. Thanks. Lots of Biofreeze and ice and doctors orders to not stress so basically I'm supposed to sit and chill watching TV or reading. I forgot my book and my flash drive in the other room so I'll play online for a bit until ice pack #1 is finished them gather supplies when I swap out lol

  8. Big goals for this final week, lady! You can totally do it! It's been so fun keeping up with your progress over the last few months, Eve. Keep up the fantastic progress!

    1. Thanks! I am just super excited to still be working on it and actually feel like I WILL finish. And hopefully in the near future. I'm also realizing if I want to work on NaNoWriMo this year I should think of some ideas.
