
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

~Top Ten Tuesday~ Wishes for the Book Genie!

               Hello everyone!  Top Ten Tuesday is just how it sounds, a topic is picked and we put our Top Ten for that in a post and share and check out everyone’s answers.  Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke andthe Bookish.

The top today is: 10 Wishes I’d ask the Book Genie to grant me!

My very own perfectly designed to my very specific specifications library.  It would have floor to ceiling (super tall ceilings) shelves and every time you ran out of room it would expand out so many feet and fit another set of shelves on both sides (keeping it equal).  There would be a few options for seating to suit your mood, several pillows and blankets, adjustable lighting and it’s own temperature control.  It would also somehow magically be a dust free zone so no dust would ever collect on my precious bebes.  There would be a ladder that moved around the room with ease and places to display bookish items like art, jewelry, etc.  Also a hidden door to a safe room that only I know about!  So I’d need two, one to show off how cool it is to have a secret passage and one I’d really keep secret!  Also as I’m currently renting a small apartment now I’d need the house for this magical library to go in as well.

An unlimited unending (without fees) card to purchase all the books and bookish things my heart desires.

I want free unfettered access (including travel, room, and food) to all book events and signings and bookish things (conferences, signings, conventions, etc) for myself and a group of friends to enjoy until the end of time!

My favorite books turned into movies, or given another chance if one already exists, and the screen plays and casting have to go through me.  Also having an unlimited budget to make the movie every bit as awesome as the book without budget or time constraints!

All books to come in matching formats/covers.  If cover changes occur then they should all match or readers who own the old ones provided new covers for their current copies!  Books only released in paperback at the start of a series then they have hardcover should be re-released in hardcover so all can match.  My Vampire Academy books for example 1-3 paperback 4-6 hardcover, I don’t want the last 3 in paperback I want all hardcover!

Eidetic memory.  That’s photographic memory as some call it.  Perfect recall to remember anything I’ve previously seen or heard.  I wouldn’t get into those moments trying to remember a characters name or what book has one particular scene I loved but am blanking on. 

Books for series I like to be put out more rapidly!  1 year is the longest wait but even in that case there should be novellas between to help ease the wait.  Also add to this all novellas for all books should be available in some type of physical bind up at the end of the series.

Kristen Bell to reprise reading of the Veronica Mars books!  The first one she did then….someone else took over.  NO!  She is literally the voice of Veronica Mars!
With the first one increase my reading speed.  I want to be able to read more of the books I love in the time I have.

And finally:  All physical books bought would come with a digital copy.


  1. So many yeses to the series coming out faster and the digital copy with physical books. They can do it for movies, why not for books? Great list. My TTT

    1. I know right! I always try to pick the movie that has the digital copy with it because if I let a friend or family member borrow it I can still watch it on my TV...and I can watch it on my TV without having to get up to put the disk in if I'm super comfy.

  2. I also want my bookish genie to improve my memory. I hate forgetting character's names and other details!! Having a dream library would also be really really cool. Great list!

    1. Oh and I have already thought about it...with the memory including how to pronounce names and places and such in these fantasy books. I try to talk about them to people and I'm like....ummm so this one person is awesome but I can't say their name out loud only in my head lol

  3. Replies
    1. Haha yes! I would need to fill my magically expandable library ;)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Love the idea of access to book related events...that's a great one I didn't think of. There are really no ones close to where I live so I don't see any chance of attending one in the future. Thanks for visiting my blog!

    1. See I have to drive 4 hours one way to go to any signings I attend and further for any type of events so that's why I added that. I would attend so many more if I could afford the travel, room, and tickets lol

  6. We have some in common. Great wishes :) I love the idea of access to book related events. Hopefully that falls in my unlimited book budget under the "bookish things I need in my life" clause ;)

    1. Haha loopholes! I'm all for it but if you watch movies or shows with wishes going wrong you know to be as specific as possible!

  7. Love the idea of remembering everything I've ever read -that would help so much with series books :)
