
Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Facts about Eve!

                Hello everyone!  Top Ten Tuesday is just how it sounds, a topic is picked and we put our Top Ten for that in a post and share and check out everyone’s answers.  Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

The top ten today is:  Facts about me

1. I’m looking to purchase a house and get out of renting and the biggest push is I need more space for books (a dedicated library).

2. I only recently discovered Gilmore Girls on Netflix and I’m obsessed.  I marathoned 1.5 seasons in about 3 days.  I had to cut myself off though because I need to read and clean and adult for a bit too but I plan to finish all 7 seasons soon! 
 3. I suffer from Ornithophobia (fear of birds in general) in general but most specifically Alektorophobia (fear specifically of chickens/roosters).  Yep I was attacked.  As a child by geese and then as an adult by my families chickens/rooster whom I avoided at all costs before as they freak me out.  Those beaks I can just imagine pecking out eyeballs and the beady eyes and weird talon feet that again can take out eyeballs…no thank you. 

4. I don’t know how to parallel park.  Never had to learn.  Growing up there was like 1 block with that kind of parking and that’s it so yeah never had to learn.
5. I can be stubborn to a point of insanity at times.  It’s true but I probably get it from my mom.

6. I love to bake almost as much as I love to read!  Though there usually isn't a clean up post reading....
7. I actually wish I could change my taste buds.  I don’t eat many fruits or veggies.  Not because I don’t want to but I don’t have a taste for them or I have textural issues. 

8. I work as a dispatcher for the police and previously in Florida I worked as a 911 dispatcher.  I really enjoy my job, though sometimes office politics are intense.  It’s like you like in the movie Mean Girls sometimes lol.
9. I have been blogging for some times now and I still don’t feel like I know what I’m doing most of the time.  But I wouldn’t give it up for anything.   

10. I have a fur bebe and she is now old and someone cantankerous.  Kiera is sweet and sour like cabbage patch kids depending on her mood these days but I’ve had her since she could fit in one palm.

                  Tell me what you think of my list in the comments below.  Also please link back to your Top Ten as well so I can check out your list and see what I missed!


  1. I am a huge Gilmore Girl fan. I bet I have seen every episode 3 times and am currently in the middle of season 2 on my plan to rewatch them all before the new ones come out. My husband can't stand it so I end up watching primarily while he is doing other things. Good luck on finding a house to home all your books in!

    1. I so love it right now! I have a few ideas I think I know one end game relationship (or hoping anyways) and others I'm just in the love with currently. And yes hoping to find a nice place soon.

  2. Okay, I learned to parallel park, but the town I live in is so small, that I rarely ever have to. I mean, you can just pull in to a spot because there's rarely more than two cars parked on the same block. Consequently, I really don't know how to do it anymore.

    And totally hear ya with number 9. :)

    1. Well at least you know the skill which is good just a bit rusty.

  3. Lucky you, the first part of the driving test in Arizona is parallel parking. If you hit the cones you are done. You don't even get to try again, you have to come back another day. Thankfully I got it on the first try...I was SO NERVOUS! I also love to bake. I love trying to bake new things each time. Great Top Ten! :D
    My Top Ten Tuesday!

    1. I know everyone always looks at me strangely when I advise I never learned like it's some weird concept but no one taught me so what did I know lol. And yes I love trying new things my last new attempts were some grasshopper cookies (like the ice cream the mint w/ chocolate cookie crumbles) and tiramisu cupcakes. Both were a hit so yay!

  4. I am SUPER stubborn too! Baking may have a clean up, but it TASTES SO SO SO GOOD. OHMYIFEELSOBADFORYOU Fruit is my favorite food group ever and strawberries are life. I feel like I will never be a pro as far as anything goes. There is always more to be learned and so of course the same can be said for blogging. Please go ask me questions for my TTT if you would like: :)

    1. Haha yes it is so so good! I love the flavor of strawberries but I just can't eat them whole like others it's a texture thing.

  5. I am a huge Gilmore Girl fan! I have been marathon rewatching the series on Netflix since it came out 11 days ago and have watched 5.5 seasons in that time (I'm halfway through Season Six currently).
    My TTT:

    1. Haha so I don't feel nearly that bad then lol

  6. Baking is the best, isn't it? I usually leave the clean-up for my parents, though, since I live at home and they partake in the treats I bake, haha.

    1.5 seasons in 3 days??? That's serious dedication! I started Gilmore Girls last summer, but it took me until the end of February to watch all the seasons. It's definitely in my top favorite shows, though.

    My TTT:

  7. Never been attacked by chickens or roosters, but I have been attacked by geese before... yeah....

    Check out my TTT.
