
Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I'd buy right this second if someone handed me a fully loaded gift card!

                Hello everyone!  Top Ten Tuesday is just how it sounds, a topic is picked and we put our Top Ten for that in a post and share and check out everyone’s answers.  Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.

The top ten today is:  Books I'd buy right this second if someone handed me a fully loaded gift card!

Assassin'sHeart by Sarah Ahiers
Lady Renegades (Rebel Belle #3) by Rachel Hawkins
More Happy ThanNot by Adam Silvera
Lying Out Loud by Kody Keplinger
Through theDark by Alexandra Bracken
Illusions ofFate by Kiersten White
His FairAssassin Trilogy by Robin LaFevers
Everything,Everything by Nicola Yoon
United (Alienated #3) by Melissa Landers
This is Whereit Ends by Marieke Nijkamp

                 Tell me what you think of my list in the comments below.  Also please link back to your Top Ten as well so I can check out your list and see what I missed!


  1. Lying Out Loud also made my list! Hopefully it's as great as The Duff was! Great Top Ten! My Top Ten Tuesday!

    1. I did really enjoy the book (not the movie) for The DUFF so hoping so!

  2. Replies
    1. Haha I need to catch up. I have not yet read book two but I figure I can marathon them when I do now :)

  3. 'Illusions' has a beautiful cover and I hear so many good things about Melissa Lander's books. At some point I'll have to read the one I have. :)

    1. LOL I know I have so many books already that need reading but still I love it.

  4. I love the cover for Grave Mercy, but I've heard mixed reviews about the book.But I think that's the only one on your list I've heard of.

    I took my top ten picks very different and went with kids books.

    My TTT:

    1. Haha I know it's so funny to see other lists with some you own and others you have no idea about. I've heard a few mixed things as well but more positive than bad and it sounds good so worth a try.

  5. Great list. I've heard so many good things about More Happy Than Not!
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

    1. I know same here that's why I'm stoked to get my hands on it :)

  6. There are SO MANY good books that I don't own. I feel like this TTT just has me wishing I had so many more books that I don't... yet.

    1. I know right and after checking out some others lists I can't believe I didn't think of special editions or pre-orders!
