
Saturday, January 27, 2018

~Stacking the Shelves #39~

                Welcome to Stacking the Shelves was created by Tynga and the full details can be found on her page.  Basically you showcase the books you bought or received each week.  Little, or not so little, weekly book hauls.

Everless by Sara HollandI’m excited to start my first debut author book of the year!s

E-Books Review:
Duty Bound (Angelbound Origins #0.5) by Christina Bauer- Yeah I got the email this was available and it’s a novella so I read it the same day…
Secrets of Bennett Hall (Return to Amston #2) by Jordan Elizabeth Mierek- pitched as a technical sequel as it has a character from the previous book but is more a stand-alone and it sounded so good I’m breaking my normal rule of not reading any form of sequel out of order!

                Share a link below with what goodies you got this week.  I have an open giveaway here for a SIGNED copy of Warcross (Warcross #1) by Marie Lu up until 2/2 so make sure you give it a go because the book is amazing!  


  1. I hear so much about Everless. I'm a bit scared of the hype though!

    1. I'm excited to check it out mostly as a debut I love giving those a shot!

  2. Nice haul. I have seen Everless making the rounds around blogosphere. I hope you enjoy your books :)

    My STS:

    1. Thanks! Me too I hope it is a fantastic debut.

  3. Wow! Lots of great books you have here, especially Everless! I hope you enjoy them all!

    Here’s my Stacking the Shelves!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

  4. Great haul this week! Maybe we can read Secrets of Bennett Hall together. Happy reading!!

    My STS

  5. Huh. For some reason I thought Everless was the second or third book in a series. I can't remember the series, but there was another one with the hourglass theme. It's very pretty. Hope you love all your new books. Happy reading!

    1. Oh I think I know what you're talking about the Everlife series maybe?

  6. Can't wait to hear more about The Secrets of Bennett Hall. I'm in love with that cover. Hope you love these!

  7. I have Everless sitting on my shelf right now. I probably won't pick it up for awhile. I'll try to wait until book two, or even book three's release date. I just don't want to do the whole wait-a-year-between-sequels thing anymore. I'm weak sometimes, though, so who knows...

    Happy reading/listening! Thanks for visiting Shell's Stories!

    1. Haha I know I always say that but I have so many series to catch up on that are finished a few to have me waiting aren't as bad anymore! ;)

  8. Great haul! Everless pops up all over the blogosphere that I think I might cave in and get it too!

    1. I'm excited to dive into it. Going to be my first debut read of the year I think!

  9. All your books look great, Eve! Those covers are gorgeous.

    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.

    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

  10. Great haul! I love the cover for Everless and am going to check out some of these books. Happy reading!

  11. Great little haul. I recieved Angelbound as well. Definitely have to check out Everless!

    1. Well I can already say I loved the little novella of Duty Bound it was a perfect prequel from his POV
