
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Before I Fall By: Lauren Oliver

               I just finished reading this book Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver.  I overall enjoyed the book and it kept me intrigued and I’m giving it 4 stars but I warn you ahead of time that this review is sorta hard to write without spoilers but I will try my utmost best.  Mostly it’s just hard to explain my feelings on the ending and how I just feel…caught.

                Okay so basically you have Sam who is part of the popular crowd at school with her three best friends.  She’s dating a super cute guy who she’s always had a crush on and life is perfect for a high school senior.  The typical high school stuff occurs, popularity contests, hating on people who are less than perfect even though they really are good people and all once you get past the ‘not cool enough’ label.  Anyways it’s Cupid Day, which is the day before Valentine’s Day when the students get roses delivered to them throughout the day from friends, admirers, and so on.  A visual popularity contest, who gets the most.

                Well this day is special in that it ends horribly.  Then she wakes up and it’s Cupid Day all over.  Yep Sam is caught reliving the same day over and over.  It’s pretty interesting.   Each day Sam tries different things, both trying to break the repeat cycle and also just do the most outlandish things possible with complete confidence you get another do-over.  Honestly the thought is rather invigorating.  What would you do one day if you knew you could do whatever you wanted and as soon as you went to sleep it’d start all over clean slate?

                So the story delves deeper and throughout you get to see how friendships were formed.  How they weren’t always popular.  Different aspects of what was supposed to be a so called perfect life.  I won’t lie and say I didn’t see it all coming but still it was good.

                Now as for the ending.  Part of me understands it completely and sees really it’s the only way the book could have ended.  The other part of me isn’t content.  I feel cheated.  I’m sure once it’s settled in my mind and isn’t fresh I’ll move more to the understanding side but I just can’t help feel that the ending left open so much and could have caused so many ripples that it could lend itself to another story.  So I guess I say read it, enjoy it, and if you feel at the end like me then just imagine your own little added part to tack on.

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