
Monday, March 20, 2017

Apollyon (Covenant #4)

                Hello happy readers!  So I had a bit of a crazy weekend happening here getting things finalized for my trip this week.  I leave in a few days and there is still so much that needs to be done.  I should also note I'm a monstrous over-packer.  Seriously I feel like I have to be prepared for everything.  I just hate needing to buy something when I know I already have it at home.  I also had a girls night and went o see the new Beauty and the Beast which was my all time favorite movie growing up.  I am working on my full review for that well so stay tuned.  Hoping for later today if not tomorrow for that.  In the mean time I finished the fourth audiobook in the Covenant series by Jennifer L. Armentrout, Apollyon.  I have a couple days for finish the last book in the series to have it at least caught up before the event!  I reviewed the previous stories here (Half-Blood, Pure, & Deity) and as this book takes place after the short novella Elixir I will share my thoughts on it as well. 

Rating:  5 Stars

                So at the end of Deity we left off in a seriously bad place.  Things had been going to crud for a while but there was some good moments as well as some hope and sweet moments….then it hit fan as Alex came into her power and her connection to Seth took over.  Elixir is the short novella that happens between Deity and Apollyon and while I normally don't think novellas are necessary to the story I feel that this one might be.  Everything that happens is kind of touched on briefly in the story so if you miss it you won't be lost but having read it first, I felt I had a better understanding of where our characters are.  Alex has always feared two things above all else losing herself first to the Elixir and then to the Awakening process.  But through it all there is something stronger, love.  Aiden is willing to do anything, take on any God, to save his Alex.  He is determined to break the connection between Alex and Seth.  Aside from the connection making her all murdery there is still the whole problem of how to keep either of them from becoming the God Killer.  With both Gods and other half's and pure's fighting against you it is not an easy task.

                So first I have to say again how anti-Seth I am.  I mean I didn't like him from the start but yeah he just keeps getting deeper and deeper down this road I don't know how he can ever pull himself back up.  Still even with how much hate he brings up in the story the love between Alex and Aiden outshines it.  I love them!  I love how they are with one another and the understanding of each other.  I also adore that they see something is up with the other and instead of letting it fester up or cause a rift they talk it out.  That and they live in the moment because lets face it when most of the world is out to get you there is no guarantee on tomorrow.  Them together just steams up the pages be it making out or kicking butt.  Seeing the connection grow and even more seeing it out and not hidden because well with everything happening the breed order rule isn't really a huge concern at the present.  Still the scenes when Alex isn't herself, the strong and wild girl we've grown to love over the series but this shell of who she was while on the Elixir or all violent and all "my Seth" it was surreal.  Still even knowing what must happen and what he has done to her, made her into the fact that she still feels for him and the guy he used to be really speaks for her character. 
               There is so many things happening in this story and it is all leading up to a head.  The Gods are coming into play more and more and we see just how the Gods react to the threat.  There is a lot that needs fixing in this series and only one book left I have so many expectations.  One thing I can say is it's never a dull moment.  The action is constantly there but there are also quite moments taken when they can to calm us down and despite the life or death nature of it all find some levity.  So many of the characters in our little trusted group are important, some continue to be so even from the Underworld.  It's always hard to know who to trust in this world but watching everyone fight together really gives you a sense of hope. 
                I'm ready to move onto the last book and see how it ends.  I'm anxious and nervous about this ending.  There is so much ridding on it.  I have some theories and on how things can play out but who knows at this point I may be way off base.  I am hoping things work out but as she has continued to kill off characters it's never a safe bet anyone is safe. 

                Until next time…

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