
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

~Waiting on Wednesday~ Wicked Like a Wildfire (Hibiscus Daughter #1)

                “Waiting On” Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we’re eagerly anticipating.  Basically books that are not yet out that we are dying to get our hands on.  This week’s pick is:

Wicked Like a Wildfire (Hibiscus Daughter #1) by Lana Popovic
Out:  8/15

From Goodreads:
                All the women in Iris and Malina's family are born with a gleam—a unique way of manipulating beauty through magic.  Seventeen-year-old Iris sees flowers as fractals and turns her kaleidoscope visions into glasswork, her twin sister Malina interprets moods as music, and their cold, distant mother Jasmina bakes scenery into decadent treats at her confectionery in Old Town Cattaro, Montenegro.

                Jasmina forbids Iris and Malina to share their gleams with anyone, and above all, she forbids them to fall in love—being discovered could shatter the quiet lives they've built in their tucked-away, seaside town.  But Iris and Malina are tired of abiding by their mother's rules and rebel in secret whenever they can.

                Yet when a mysterious, white-haired women attacks their mother and leaves her hovering between life and death, the sisters unearth an ancient curse that haunts their line—a wicked bargain that masquerades as a blessing, and binds the twin's fates—and hearts—to a force larger than life.  To save each other, they must untangle a thousand years of lies and reveal their own hurtful secrets.  But even the deepest sacrifice might not be enough.

                Wicked Like a Wildfire is the first book in a sumptuous, bewitching duology about the power of love, death, magic, and the many faces of beauty.

Why I’m Waiting:
                 First that cover.  It is so pretty.  Reading what it is about really has me excited for this debut.  I love that while it sounds like romance may play a part the story sounds to be focused more on the bond of sisters which is really sweet.

                What are you waiting on?  Tell me below what you think of this title and leave a link to your WoW as well so I can check it out.


  1. Oh, I'm definitely looking forward to reading this. I hope we both love it. Thanks for sharing, and happy Wednesday! :)

    Here's my WoW

  2. I like this cover even though it reminds me of "Wink Poppy Midnight" which I did not love as much as many others. That being said, I really like the sounds of this one and will probably be adding it to my wishlist. Nice choice.

    1. Thank you. Oh yes I remember seeing that one but I never got to pick it up, hopefully this one is better for you.

  3. I'm also really anticipating this book! The cover is soooo incredibly gorgeous :D Fabulous WoW pick! Happy reading :)

    Brittany @ Brittany's Book Rambles

    1. Thanks! I think this one will have to go on my shelf no matter what ;)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I'm looking forward to this one too. The cover definitely caught my eye, but the synopsis sounds amazing too!

    1. Yes I love when the cover is eye catching AND the plot sounds interesting!

  6. YES THAT COVER!! So unbelievably pretty. And thankfully the synopsis sounds good to me too :)

    1. For sure going to make my shelf look good ;)

  7. That cover really is stunning! I hope you enjoy this one. :)

    1. I know it's so pretty! I hope it's just as pretty inside!

  8. This book sounds incredible and that cover is so spectacular. I hope that you enjoy this one! Happy reading. :)
