
Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Reading Challenge Wrap-Up: April

                Hello happy readers!  The challenges are pretty self-explanatory but for full details on the challenges themselves please visit the challenge tab.  Also please share your yearly wrap-up / challenges as well I’d love to see how everyone else did! 

Goodreads Challenge:
Goal: 100
At: 21

2018 Debut Authors (#DebutAuthorChallenge):
Goal: 12
At:  2
I’m currently reading a couple so hope to have them finished for next month!

2018 Series Ender Challenge:
Goal: 15+
At: 5
What I’ve Read:
Working on a couple…seems to be my theme

Mount TBR Reading Challenge 2018:
Goal: 48
At: 10
What I've Read:

Strange the Dreamer (Strange the Dreamer #1) by Laini Taylor (review)

2018 New Releases Challenge:
Goal: 31-60
At: 11
What I've Read:

Dimension Drift (Dimension Drift Worlds #1) by Christina Bauer
A Song of Summer Lost (The Magh Meall Chronicles #1) by Sarah Negovetich (review)

2018 Audiobook Challenge:
Goal: 30
At: 9
What I've Listened:

Strange the Dreamer (Strange the Dreamer #1) by Laini Taylor

                So lots happening that isn’t reading but trying to not get discouraged and just work on improving!  I'd love to hear how you're doing so link back to your wrap up!

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