Wednesday, May 9, 2012

RTW: Uses for books besides the obvious

            Road Trip Wednesday is a ‘Blog Carnival’ where YA Highway’s contributors post a weekly writing or reading related question and answer it on our own blogs.  You can hop from destination to destination and get everybody’s unique take on the topic.

This weeks topic:
What’s your favorite use for a book besides reading it?
         Well I haven’t been around for these much the last couple of weeks sadly but I’m trying and this one was too good to pass up.  I have used my books for a multitude of things besides reading.  For instance when I was assembling my guest daybed by myself I used books to keep the frame level with the sides/railings so I could screw them in.  It was very helpful and useful.  My books have also been known to hold things I needed to keep safe, like the tickets for the concert I attended last week.  I couldn’t lose them so I put them into a book on my shelf for safe keeping until we left.  Oh and on the same note as the daybed assembly I used a bunch of books and a flattened out cardboard box as a coffee table for a card game once.  Books have a multitude of uses you just have to be creative.  I haven’t found another use for ebooks besides reading yet but give me time. 

                What about you?  What creative uses have you found for books besides reading?


  1. Putting tickets or money in a book for safe-keeping is a great idea, especially if you have a lot of books and you're afraid the tickets/money might get stolen. After all, thieves are not generally known for their literary inclinations. :) As long as you remember which book you put the item in...

    1. Haha no they sure don't seem too concerned with books.

  2. Card games! That's another good use, to make a flat place on a couch or a bed. I'd be afraid to keep tickets in a book because I might forget which one.

    1. Yep card games on a couch can be disastrous but books can save the day!

  3. I use books to press flowers and to gently weigh down something I've recently glued. And if I'm going to be shamefully honest, I have been known to use my encyclopedia set to help me reach something before.

    1. Hey that just means you are creative and find ways to make the best use of your books. But still have an encyclopedia set? Wow I haven't thought about those in so long it's crazy.

    2. When I was just a chil'rens, I would read 'em for fun. My stepdad would neglect to take those when he'd ground me, which was literally almost always. When he started taking my light bulb, I started hiding flash lights, so I'd read into the night. That probably accounts for my computer brain, as people at work refer to it.

    3. You were sneaky and inventive.
