Rating: 10
may seem overly dramatic but this book…this whole series just got me. I really enjoyed the first book but then book
two just hit me in such a way that exploded my mind. You can read my full reviews ACOTAR and
ACOMAF to grasp what I mean. I mean I
switched ships and I don't do that very often and generally never with someone I
despised so much in previous books. For
that person to be one of my favorite characters is HUGE.
spent so long trying to think of how things would play out. How she would handle being in the Spring
Court again and more importantly away from Rhys. I grew so attached to this ship that I was
terrified of something happening to them.
I also had other ships I was rooting on and some of them seem to be
making some progress and other ships have sunk.
I had all these theories I had played out over and over in my head
things I expected to happen and from what I had seen on the internet I wasn't
the only one. I was right in some small
ways and others I was way off the mark.
is tons of magic and fighting scenes for sure because when Fey fight they fight
both with their awesome magic powers but also with impressive battle
skills. You have so many people that you
grew to care about through these books that when the battles start and people
start dying it's painful to see so many fall.
I cried so often. Even some
deaths I wouldn’t think would make me as sad as they did just hit me, because
no one is safe and that is scary for those characters you love. All the things revealed and coming to light,
this book really is packed full of moments of hope and redemption and lots of
tears and pain but they balance out.
first I have to talk about my ship that sunk. Mor and Azriel. I don't really even unship it so much because
I still really want it but after what she told Feyre I don't think they would
be as happy as I want them to be so sigh.
I want them both to be happy and I hope that we will see more of them in
the next books, I especially hope she will be honest with him at least poor
Azriel. Here I am a little conflicted
because I totally get her reasons for keeping it on the down low and don't
think her horrible for putting on a show for most but then I think about Azriel
and I kind of am a little mad because I adore him too and this could have been
solved with a simple talk. This talk
needs to happen in future books.
can we talk about the elephant in the room; Tamlin. So last book I hated him. I despised him and wouldn’t have been upset
if he died but I was hoping he would redeem himself. Wow what a way to play this. He wasn't completely as bad as we
thought. He wasn't the best person by
any means but he had real reasons for doing the most egregious crimes. He also came through in the end and I really enjoyed
the twists and depth to it; that he got his bit of redemption. I am curious to see how that works for him in
the future. I'm still not okay with his
trust in Ianthe or that he pimped out Lucien.
I hope that him and Lucien can repair their friendship. I think they both cold use a friend in this
world, but I think now that he has someplace else to go, he won't be as sucked into doing everything Tamlin
wants/needs and it will be more balanced.
Plus can we talk about the parentage news….that will be interesting
coming up.
note I did get one thing answered for me, something that kind of bugged me
since book one, the tattoo that happened when Rhys made the bargain with
Feyre. I didn't think it was cool since
hello no one said it would mark her.
That should be mentioned prior to it happening I think. But it being the typical way bargains are
sealed in the Nigh Court, a common thing, something he probably didn’t think
much of then made me smile. Anywho there
is so much more I could share and discuss because OMG this book. But I don’t want this to be ten pages so
share your thoughts in the comments below and lets discuss. Just please mark any spoilers.
next time…
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