Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I meant to read in 2017 but didn't

                Hello everyone!  Top Ten Tuesday is just how it sounds, a topic is picked and we put our Top Ten for that in a post and share and check out everyone’s answers.  Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.  Also I used to post movie reviews/recaps pretty regularly when I would go do marathons at the theatre but stopped for a while, now I go see at least 1 or 2 a week and am considering posting about them again.  Thoughts? 

The top ten today is:  Books I meant to read in 2017 but didn't

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline- I have heard people gush about this for a while now and once it was going to be made into a movie I knew I had to get on it.  Still haven’t yet even though the movie looks pretty cool so that is my deadline…release day.
PercyJackson and the Olympians series by Rick Riordan- I am so bad I have wanted to read these for years and have had the set since 2014….2018 though is the goal. 
The MaraDyer series by Michelle Hodkin- Had these for a while but again one I always meant to get to but just never did.
ShadowFalls:  After Dark series by C.C. Hunter- I read the original series and really enjoyed them and how fast paced they were and intriguing so I was looking forward to reading on but I had too much happening at one time to go straight into them but I don’t want to let another year pass so…
Starcrossed series by Josephine Angelini- I have enjoyed the first two books of the authors other series and also plan to finish the finale to it this year as well but yes this series has been on my shelf for over a year
How to Hanga Witch (How to Hang a Witch #1) by Adriana Mather- My best friend has been talking about this book since she read it and I kept meaning to get my hands on it and read it but never did
Wintersong (Wintersong #1) by S. Jae-Jones- A new release for 2017 this book had me intrigued and was an anticipated release I just didn’t get to
The Upsideof Unrequited by Becky Albertalli- I love her other book and she is so much fun I couldn’t wait to dive in but just never found the time
One of Us IsLying by Karen M. McManus- Another anticipated release I didn’t manage to get to
Any Colleen Hoover book- Seriously I've been wanting to try one of her many books I own for years but haven't done it yet

                 Tell me what you think of my list in the comments below.  Which would you recommend so I know which ones to get first?  Also please link back to your Top Ten as well so I can check out your list and see what I missed!


  1. Awesome list! Let's hope we both read Ready Player One soon!

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

    1. I know I have to read it before the movie!

  2. Wow, I've not read any of these even though I have a couple on my TBR. Hope you manage to make time for them in 2018!

  3. I've heard good things about One of Us Is Lying, and I hope you enjoy reading it.

    Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thanks!

  4. Wintersong was on my list this week too. I love the Percy Jackson series and hope you do as well. I was kind of disappointed by One of Us Is Lying, but I've seen loads more people who have loved it, so hopefully you'll be one of those.
    My TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2018/01/09/top-ten-tuesday-141/

    1. Well I have enjoyed the movies and I know the books are probably even better just haven't gotten to them but I am ready! Sad to hear about One of Us Is Lying...

  5. I've only read The Lightning Thief and The Upside of Unrequited. I liked both books but I didn't love them, sadly enough.

    1. I am sorry you didn't love them but at least they weren't bad :)

  6. The Upside of Unrequited is so much fun. I'd definitely recommend that one.

    My TTT: https://bookworm716.blogspot.com/2018/01/top-ten-tuesday-books-i-meant-to-read.html

    1. I can't wait to dive into all of these. This one I at least already own lol

  7. I hope you get a chance to read all these! I liked Upside and Ready Player One.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. I am really interested in Ready Player One before the movie.

  8. Wow! I have read 7 of these. Who doesn't love Uncle Rick? And I was really impressed with both How to Hang a Witch books. One of Us is Lying was added to my favorites shelf last year. Once I started that one, I couldn't stop. Upside was adorable. Fantastic characters. Maybe Someday is CoHo, nuff said. I did like Starcrossed and hope to continue the series. Mara Dyer is another series I need to finish. Hope you get to some of these.

    1. I know I have heard a ton of great things about these but haven't gotten to start them yet so this is the year!!!

  9. One Of Us Is Lying is definitely at the top of my list of books I didn't get to in 2017 and desperately need to read this year! I love the Percy Jackson series and I'd really like to re-read it some time so, I highly recommend it! Same goes for the Starcrossed trilogy! I still need to actually read the third book but, I immensely enjoyed the first two and their story line was extremely unique and authentic! Definitely adding How to Hand A Witch on my TBR! Hope you have a wonderful week!

    Elena @ Book Lady's Reviews

    1. Yes this is how it happens you get behind and its hard to catch up.

  10. Ready Player One is awesome and I can't wait for the movie - I hope you like it! :)

    Lauren @ Always Me

    1. Thanks! I'm debating on the physical book or audiobook
