me Catching Fire was simply
AMAZING! Yes I am biased, due to the
love I have for the series but still.
Yes there were differences from the book, some of the main ones behind
in continuity with how they ended/changed book/movie 1. For instance Peeta doesn't have his leg
amputated at the end of book 1, so clearly he doesn't have that. But over all everything flowed and it picked
up after the first one just before the victors tour. As a book nerd I would have loved some more
details on the whole her and Peeta thing but they gave you enough but didn't
bog it down and kept everything moving along.
pick up just before the Victors Tour, before the next Games. Though thanks to her defiance, now Snow has
it in for her and they create a new game.
This is after all the 75th Games, the Quarter Quill and that demands a
special game. Their solution to make
them special and eradicate the problem of Katniss and her species, the other
victors per Snow, is to reap the contestants from the pool of victors. Yep that guarantees Katniss is back again
being the only female victor of district 12.
Now you are matched not just with competitors but people who have
already won, already killed.
still have out favorite characters, Katniss, Peeta, Haymitch, Effie, Cinna,
Snow (come on you love to hate him), and some new ones as well. Katniss is a tough girl who has spent her
whole life trying to survive and now she is dealing with the aftermath of what
the games did to her and this whole boy thing.
How is she supposed to have those feelings when her life and the lives
of her family are in constant threat of loss, very rational. Still she does care for both Peeta and Gail
for different reasons and neither of which she completely understands which I
liked. It was a different take on the
whole triangle romance. She has her own
junk to deal with so to speak. Peeta, oh
my Peeta, such a sweetie, so in love but hurt because he thought it was 100%
real and unsure where to go. He grows
some more, it's hard not to when put through something like the games, and in
that respect he can understand what haunts Katniss. Haymitch, our drunken mentor from District
12, yes well he is a dear. There is a clear
understanding of why he is the way that he is now, they can see why he numbs
the pain. He also is torn trying to help
both of them, both of his little birds even when their needs conflict. Okay so with District 7 we have Finnick and
Mags. Mags is a sweet elderly woman who
volunteers in the place of a younger woman and used to be FInnicks mentor. She doesn't speak but she steals the scenes
she's in. FInnick sees to be a cool
calculated contestant but his devotion to Mags shows a softer side (and I won't
say more for fear of giving away something good). I'm not going to do everyone I just realized
how long this would be, but I will quickly do Snow. He is the enemy, the President of the
Capitol, who is in a war with the districts and himself. He has lost his so well crafted control and
let loose a spark of Hope. In the books
you don't get to see too much of him, just Katniss's reactions, but the movie
does a good job of making this man so evil and sinister even while having
midmorning tea.
Rating: 5 Flaming Arrows