to Week 4 of Ready. Set. Write. Simple
is the name of the game.

I did not post a chapter in my Fanfic as I was so
busy having fun there and honestly being home has just zapped me. Apparently being out there and open when
you're normally more of an introvert takes a lot out of you. I did get about halfway through the chapter I
want to post and I have the rest plotted out just have to get it rolling again.
I didn't work on my WIP at all thought. But at UtopYA several people gave me an idea
for another story and I have been writing down ideas and notes for that so I'll
count it as a half win.
I also technically did my posts/reviews but it was
also an extra week in there so I feel there should have been more but the
signal in Nashville was kinda crappy for everyone so I honestly didn't even
take my computer out of its case. I was
in my room to drop off books/swag, refuel, shower/change, and SLEEP.
My goals for
this week:
Work on a new short story that came to me Sunday
and see if it could develop into more than a short story as I'm kind of unsure
just yet but I don't want to lose it.
Finish and post the new chapter in my Fanfic
that I didn't do.
Again: Write at least one scene on my original
WIP story so I don't lose momentum.
Finish the 2 books I'm reading along with a
friend this week (The Darkest Minds
& Shadow & Bone) as well as
at least one of my TBR books I got at UtopYA.
Make a schedule for some upcoming events I want
to host on my blog and do at least 2 reviews!
A favorite line from my story OR one word/phrase that sums up what I
wrote/revised: What I have currently
is just notes for a new story but the idea/project others mentioned was
something I thought about previously. A
collection of short stories about the crazy and insane time as a 911 dispatcher
for a small southern county. Thoughts?
The biggest
challenge I face this week: Coming
back from vacation and trying to readjust my schedule. Also remembering all my work passwords
(seriously I have like 8 different ones that have to be changed at different
time frames which make it hard enough to remember on a good day let alone after
a week of no use).
Something I
love about my WIP: That I have all
these new ideas running through my head and so much determination to FINISH
That’s it for this week.