Thursday, May 10, 2018

~Movie Corner #8~

                Hello happy movie fans!    So the last couple of weeks I haven’t see as much but what I have seen has been awesome!  That said here is what I’ve seen the last two weeks:

Avengers:  Infinity War:  5 Stars
                So no spoilers or anything but this is EPIC! And before I say anything else yes you should have seen all the previous movies first (including Black Panther) because they have been leading up to this.  As mentioned before I don’t read the comics but I knew this was going to be action packed and probably kill lots of characters I probably didn’t want gone.  Still…this movie impressed me and it’s only my swapping schedule and lack of time that I haven’t seen it again just yet but I plan to.  I went into the movie and had no idea what would happen but beyond everything else I was stoked to see some of the characters I love to interact with one another.  It did not disappoint.  This movie has it all and I honestly can’t talk about it without feeling like I will spoil it so yeah just leave it at that. 

I Feel Pretty:  5 Stars
                This I saw the next day with some friends as we made it a girl day.  I thought the trailer looked funny and uplifting because who couldn’t relate?  I also had a feeling it was going to go a different way and it didn’t which shocked me and made me enjoy the movie even more.  I liked that there was comedy and a deeper meaning but it didn’t fall completely into troupes. 

Bad Samaritan:  5 Stars
                This movie I only started seeing around shortly before the release but it looked great.  Someone trying to rob a rich jerk while he's out but upon breaking in finding someone held prisoner.  Not what you expected.  How do you explain what you saw and what if no one believes you?  This one looked like one I'd enjoy but it really blew me away.  It was creepy, intense and suspenseful from the start and I really enjoyed it even more than I thought I would.  The performances were amazing and even in random moments there was humor which is hard to do in keeping things on edge as this one did.

Overboard:  5 Stars
                So I think most people know the idea behind this one.  A gender swap revamp on the old movie which I also really enjoy.  I hadn't seen the original in some time but this one looked hilarious and it was.  Someone so rich and entitled to everything treats you badly and costs you money then they end up alone with no idea who they are and you see a way to make them help you, payback for what they cost you and some self satisfaction in getting to make them work for once in their life.  This is just ripe with fun to be had.  I liked the tellanovella vibes it is crazy out there and fun.  It's not the best movie ever but you will have a blast watching it and I think we all could enjoy a good laugh!

                What about you?  What movies have you seen recently?  What should I see?  This week I’m super excited to see Life of the Party and Breaking In not sure what else starts this weekend but I look forward to checking it out!


  1. I still haven't found time to make plans to go see Infinity War. And also it's a long movie so I'm not sure if I can sit in a movie theater for that long because of some medical issues I'm having right now. :( *sobs* But still looking forward to seeing it at some point, though.

    1. Awe well I hope your medical issues clear up and when you do get the chance to see it you enjoy yourself!
