everyone! Top Ten Tuesday is just how it
sounds, a topic is picked and we put our Top Ten for that in a post and share
and check out everyone’s answers. Top
Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Artsy Reader Girl.
The top ten today is: Books with sensory memories

Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer- This series got me back into reading as I flew through all 4 books in just couple of days despite my full time college class load and full time job.

Harry Potterand the Order of the Phoenix (Harry Potter 5) by J.K. Rowling- So I didn't start with HP as a child. I started with book 5 having seen the first 4 movies and ready to see the next. I had just finished the Twilight series and realized how much I missed reading and a friend told me I had to read this book before the movie or I wasn't allowed to go. I was ready and finished it quickly. I then got the rest of the books and read 6 and 7 (which came out as I was finishing 6 so score on timing) then read 1-7 from start to finish. It was amazing but as my first book in the series it was so beautiful and it made me cry.

The ScorchTrials (The Maze Runner #2) by James Dashner- So I really enjoyed the first book back when I read it and was still new to reading again and the whole having to wait for books to come out thing was not something I was fond of. So when I saw the sequel came out on my day off from work I was excited to make my trip to town and get it. Well no one had it. I checked the one Books a Million we have, both Walmarts, Sams Club (where I got book 1) and Target. No one had it they were all set to get it the following week. I was determined though so I called the Barns and Noble an hour away and confirmed they had it, like I had the sales person get it and hold it in their hand and I picked up my friend and we made the hour drive there to get it and had a little adventure that night.

VampireAcademy Series by Richelle Mead- So this series I waited until all the books were out because I didn't want to have to wait for books. I was so happy I did that because I flew through these but more specifically the end of one book I was highly upset. I was in tears and just couldn't stop.

Divine by Choice (Partholon #2) by P.C. Cast- This book. I had been enjoying the HoN books that were out at the time and I enjoyed her writing and checked out her other books. First this set. Book one was amazing and I loved it. I had gotten all 3 at once from my local BAM that was still 30 mins out but I was so ready for book 2. I started it and when it about 75% in the book was defective. It had the same few chapters from before again instead of the next chapters. I was so upset! I called the store to see if they had another copy and if it was correct it too was defective so I had to have them order it for me which took 2 WEEKS! This is also before I discovered Amazon. When it finally came in I was there and started reading where I left off in the store and finished.

Reign of Shadows (Reign of Shadows #1) by Sophie Jordan- I think this is the first audiobook I ever finished in one listen. I put it on just to start one night before bed. Figured I'd get a few chapters in then turn it off for sleep but nope around the time I would shut it off I was captivated and despite sleep calling my name I was hooked and had to finish.

Isla and the Happily Ever After (Anna and the French Kiss #3) by Stephanie Perkins- So this one I remember got to me more than the others. I remember going back and forth with one of my reader friends about this book and how upset I was about certain parts.

A Court ofMist and Fury (ACOTAR #2) by Sarah J. Maas- Okay so this is similar I love this book so much now but as I was first reading it I got a bit upset. See I have issues with forgiving characters (or RL people) when they don't even apologize or try to acknowledge their wrong doing. It's a pet peeve. So when I started to enjoy a character in this book and want to root for it, but I was still pissed at them for book 1 things that were just brushed away I was a bit peeved. But then the apology came and I was able to let myself like them! But yeah my one friend was loving my anger at them to start because she was already on that team and knew I would be too in the end. She was right but wow the angry rants she would get as I read….
It's only eight but those were
the ones that first came to mind and if I go look in the library for too long
to think of more I'll end up with way more than ten so this seems best. So what do you think? Tell me what you think of my list in the
comments below. Also please link back to
your Top Ten as well so I can check out your list and see what I missed!
Great list. I loved Vampire academy and I flew through it as well, but by the time I discovered it the wholeseries was out so I was lucky in that regard I guess.
ReplyDeleteMy TTT: https://fantasyraiders.wordpress.com/2018/07/24/top-ten-tuesday-books-with-sensory-reading-memories/#more-8617
Yes that is sometimes better when you can complete a whole series in between all the open ones!
DeleteI went through the Vampire Academy books so fast too. I remember buying the first two at the bookstore but having to go back again and again to buy the next one. And at some point the guy who owned the store asked if I know more YA vampire books that I'd recommend. Oh yes I did. xD
ReplyDeletelol I hope you gave him some good recommendations!